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Timber Demand Causes Shed Price Rises | iLikeSheds

Timber Demand Causes Shed Price Rises

14 May 2014 0 Comments Sheds
  • Recently the garden buildings market has seen an unprecedented level of fencing sales after the damage caused by the winter storms. This coupled with increased use of timber for the building trade which have put enormous strain on the home-grown timber supply chain. This has intensified competition for timber from domestic sawmills which has resulted in dramatically increased prices and availability shortages. This has led to the simple equation of the materials we use to manufacture our buildings range going up and this flowing into increased prices. On the fencing front criminals are actually stealing fence panels to order to meet “black market” demand, with individual second hand panels going for as much as £80. Here at Ilikesheds we have been deluged with rapid price changes and are attempting to shield our customers from these as normal although we are expecting another round of price rises to hit the industry towards the end of the month. The best advise really is to buy now if you want a shed, summerhouse or log cabin as these ranges have not yet seen the full price rises.

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